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AIT is eager to hear from you. Feel free to contact us at (866) 343-9419 or use the contact options below with any questions you may have regarding our services. One of our representatives will respond promptly.

Thomas Steeves
Director of Business Development

866-343-9419 x109


Tom has years of invaluable IT knowledge. He is dedicated to helping his clients achieve success. Tom's vast experience with existing clients, both SMB and Large Corporations allow him to tailor custom support services for any specific needs.

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© Copyright 2021 by American IT Solutions, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 Florida Sales Office 

Thomas Steeves

Winter Garden, FL 34787

T: 407-910-2309

F: 352-708-6558

 CT Service Facility 
 Corporate Office 

945 Sherman Ave

Hamden, CT 06514

T: 203-687-4117

F: 203-230-8275

420 Center St

Wallingford, CT 06492

T: 203-269-1900

F: 203-949-1736

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